Disease prevention and health promotion are essential attributes of a people oriented welfare state. The health of its people is a reflection of the health of the nation. Creating a large group of committed, patient centered healthcare professionals who will make this happen is a key ingredient of any effort to provide holistic care.
The Believers Church Medical College Hospital seeks to present to our people a new paradigm in healthcare and in medical education. A culture of care and compassion will engulf every interpersonal relationship. We will reach out to the poor, the needy and the marginalized. We will work with the mission network to extend our services to needy areas in our country. We will introduce innovative ideas to train our students - medical, nursing and allied health- to be competent, socially relevant and filled with the passion to serve in the Spirit of Christ. Our vision is to bring hope and healing with the love of Christ to the people of our land and of neighboring countries.
A team of talented, caring doctors, competent, compassionate nurses, skillful technical and support staff will work together with a holistic approach to provide the best possible medical and nursing care. Our Surgeons are talented and committed, supported by a highly qualified Anaesthesia Team. With well equipped operation theaters, state-of-the-art laboratories, imaging facilities and excellent Critical Care Units, Believers Hospital will provide every patient the very best of modern medical care.
Having established the hospital in response to a need, Believers Hospital will seek to equip aspiring medical, nursing and allied health students with knowledge and skills to respond effectively to the growing healthcare needs of our country.
At Believers Church Medical College Hospital, it is compassion and empathy that will drive the organization in its journey towards accomplishing its mission.
We hope to be torchbearers in the Healing Ministry by providing an efficient, effective model in healthcare, relevant to our nation and affordable for our people.
Prof. Dr. George Chandy Matteethra
Fellowship in Liver Transplantation (Sydney)
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