Our Dermatology, Venereology, & Leprosy (DVL) department provides comprehensive care for all your skin needs. Inpatient treatment is available for people with chronic or severe skin conditions. Various treatment procedures are offered by trained dermatologists.
Treatment and procedures
Skin biopsies for diagnosis
Electrocautery: Warts, Skin tags, DPN(Black spots on face or neck)
Intralesional Injections: Keloids, Alopecia areata (Patches of hair loss)
Chemical Cautery: Molluscum contagiosum, Warts
Pairing of Warts, Corns, Callus
Mole Excision
Chemical Peel: Melasma, Acne scar, Skin rejuvenation.
Microdermabrasion: Acne scar, skin rejuvenation, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.