Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation


Our vision and mission are not only to provide hospital-based rehabilitation but also offer community-based rehabilitation to those in need. The department provides an integrated team-based approach which aims to enhance and restore functional ability and quality of life to those with physical impairment or disability. It consists of a team of Physiatrist doctors working closely with Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Psychologists, Social Workers, Rehabilitation Nurses, Speech Therapists, Orthotists and Prosthetists for the overall improvement of the function and quality of life of our patients.

Rehabilitation goals set by the Physiatrists are carried out by the rehabilitation team for patients once their acute problems are settled along with timely evaluation and follow up.

We have a well-experienced team driven by compassion. We cater not only to physical problems but also to the emotional and spiritual needs of a patient.


Snehadaram CDC

Comprehensive child development center with developmental pediatricians, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, psychologist, developmental therapist, speech therapist, special educator and craft trainer. Dr M.K.C Nair (Former vice chancellor of KUHS) serves as the mentor of the programme.

Blanket of love

Used resources drive (clothes, Footwear, Bags) for under privileged people

CDC in the Community

Training & technical support once per mont for Gramajyothi special school, Trivandrum.

Day care centre

Day care centre for differently abled children at our hospital from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

Home safety evaluation

Free electrical wheelchair donation for differently abled children

Home based rehabilitation and health care provision

Public awareness programs through newspaper articles and social media

Obesity and wellness interventions

Monthly visit and training offers to de addiction center

Wheelchair friendly home building and guidance

Monthly tribal medical camps in association with CARD mission


Occupational Therapy

  • Occupational Therapist to Evaluate & Treat
  • Activities of Daily Living– Retraining
  • Functional Retraining
  • Vocational Retraining
  • Gross & Fine Motor Skill– Retraining
  • Sensory Integration (Pediatrics)
  • Coma Stimulation)
  • Work Integration)
  • Splints & Braces Prescription)
  • Neuro Developmental Therapy)
  • Ergonomics)
  • Home Safety Evaluation & Modification)
  • Development of Cognitive Skills & Retraining)
  • Adaptive Equipment– Prescription & Training)
  • Neuro– Muscular Re– Education)
  • Sensory Profile Assessment)
  • Sensory Re– education / Desensitization)
  • Hand Function Training / Hand Rehabilitation)
  • Geriatric Rehabilitation)
  • Hand Writing Assessment)
  • School Functioning Asssessment)
  • Perceptual & Executive Function Evaluation)
  • Standardized Assessment for ADL & Cognitive Skills)
  • Relexation Techniques)
  • Stress Management)
  • Paediatric Rehabilitation)

Physio Therapy

  • Physiotherapist to Evaluate & Treat
  • Acute & Chronic Pain Management
  • Musculoskeletal Injury Rehab
  • Ergonomics and Body Mechanics
  • Functional Mobility Training
  • Manual Therapy & Mobilization
  • Trigger Point & Myo Fascial Release
  • Stretching, Strengthening & Endurance program
  • Pre & Post Surgical Rehabilitation
  • Breathing & Chest Expansion Exercises
  • Airway clearance & Bronchial Hygiene
  • Antenatal & Postnatal Exercises
  • Balance / Coordination / Vestibular Exercises
  • Neuro Rehabilitation / Neuro Muscular Re– education
  • Incontinence Retraining
  • Weight Management & Wellness Program
  • Cardio– Pulmonary Rehabilitation (Cardiac Rehab)
  • Gait Training
  • Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation
  • Stroke Rehabilitation
  • Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation
  • Post Amputation Rehabilitation
  • Geriatric Rehabilitation / Fall Prevention
  • Paediatric Rehabilitation
  • Home Health Care / Community Rehabilitation
  • Hutt Testing
  • Sports Physiotherapy

Speech Therapy

  • Speech Therapist to Evaluate & Treat
  • Swallowing– Evaluation & Therapy
  • Delayed Speech & Language–Evaluation & Management
  • Speech Sound Disorder–Evaluation & Management
  • Aphasia–Evaluation & Management
  • Dysarthria / Slurred Speech–Evaluation & Management
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder–Evaluation & Management
  • Global Developmental Disorder–Evaluation & Management
  • Speech Intelligibility Exercises
  • Oromotor Exercises
  • Stuttering Evaluation & Management
  • Vital Stimulation & BioFeedback
  • Voice Therapy
  • Preschool Screening
  • Cognitive Rehabilitation
  • Neonatal Screening
  • Paediatric Rehabilitation


  • PMR Doctor to Consult & Treat
  • Pain Management
  • Spasticity Management
  • Pressure Sore Management
  • Orthosis & Prosthetic Prescription
  • Diabetic Foot Evaluation
  • Wound Care
  • Footwear Modification
  • Child Development Clinic
  • Weight Management & Wellness Program
  • Incontinence Management
  • Cardio– Pulmonary Rehab Consultation
  • Home Health Care Services
  • Tele– Medicine
  • Home Safety Evaluation
  • Ergonomics Assesment
  • IP Admission for Comprehensive Rehabilitation
  • Psychologist Evaluation & Counselling Services
  • Social Worker Evaluation & Services


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