Diabetic Package ₹ 3500

Blood Routine (Hemoglobin (Hb)Total Leucocyte Count (TC)Differential Count (DC)ESR)Plasma Glucose (Fasting2 Hr PP)HbA1cLipid Profile (Serum Cholesterol TotalTriglyceridesHDL CholesterolLDL CholesterolVLDL)Renal Function Tests (Creatinine with eGFRBUNUric acid)Liver Function Tests (Bilirubin TotalBilirubin DirectBilirubin IndirectTotal ProteinAlbuminA: G RatioSGOTSGPTAlkaline Phosphatase)Urine Routine (AlbuminSugarMicroscopy)Urine Micro Albumin Creatinine RatioTSHA B IndexBiothesiometryECGDiet ConsultationDiabetic Consultation

For enquiry please contact

|   0469 270 3117 / 350 3117|  70255 34411


The following services can be added to any package at a discounted rate:
* * Iron Studies BMD – L S (SPINE with HIP/PELVIS) LDCT ( > 55 yrs) Mammography (> 40 yrs - females).

* * Condition apply