Doctor's Profile

Dr. Anish D.L.

Dr. Anish D.L.

Senior Consultant


He did his MBBS and MD (Paediatrics) from Christian Medical College, Ludhiana. Later, he joined as a Senior Resident and continued as an Assistant Professor of Neonatology in CMC, Ludhiana. He also did his NNF Fellowship in Neonatology (FNNF) from Christian Medical College.

To further enhance his clinical acumen in the field of Neonatology, he went to London for a clinical fellowship and worked as a Senior Clinical Fellow in Neonatology at the Royal London Hospital, UK. He is also a faculty of the Neonatal Simulation Team Training (NEST) endorsed by Neonatal Transport Service (NTS) and Barts Hospital Trust, London and has taught various NEST courses across India and abroad.

His special areas of interest include neonatal transport and pre and post-operative management of surgical conditions in neonates.