Doctor's Profile

Dr. Jency Maria Koshy

Dr. Jency Maria Koshy


MD (Gen. Med), FHM, FIACM

She is currently working as a Professor in the Department of General Medicine.  Prior to this she worked in Christian Medical College, Ludhiana and in Eastern UP. She has done her under graduation and post-graduation in Internal medicine from Christian Medical College, Ludhiana.

She has done various trainings  in the area of infectious diseases which includes  FHM from CMC Vellore, Post Graduate Diploma in Infectious Diseases from School of Public Health and Community Medicine, UNSW Australia, Tropical Medicine Certificate accredited to CMC Vellore and Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen and Infectious disease certificate from Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai.

She has 40 Research publications in various National and International Journals and is a reviewer of Journals. 


  • MBBS - CMC Ludhiana
  • MD in Internal Medicine – CMC Ludhiana
  • FHM - CMC Vellore
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Infectious diseases - School of Public Health and Community Medicine, UNSW Australia
  • Tropical medicine Certificate - CMC Vellore and Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen

Previous Experience

  • Consultant - JJCH Mission Hospital, Robertsganj, UP (2004-2007)
  • Consultant Global Hospital Hyderabad (2008-2009)
  • Assistant Professor – CMC Ludhiana (2009-2013)
  • Associate Professor - CMC Ludhiana (2013-2015)


  • 40 Research publications in National and International Journals
  • Reviewer of Journals

Area of interest

  • Infectious Diseases and CNS infections.