- Gynecomastia is also known as “Female-like breasts”
- It is quite common with an overall incidence of 35-40% in Indian males
- It is often associated with low self-esteem in males
- It is not life-threatening although there is a small risk of breast cancer
- Obese men are more predisposed to develop Gynecomastia
- Surgical correction is becoming common practice amongst the urban Indian males
- Believers Church medical college hospital being the best in patient care services has an experienced team of surgeons who are well-trained and highly skilled to perform Gynecomastia surgery.
What is Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia or female-like breasts is a clinical condition in males that causes them to have unusually enlarged breasts on one or both sides. It usually occurs during puberty or in elderly males.
How does it occur?
In humans, there are two major sex hormones meant for normal reproductive growth & well-being. These are estrogen & androgens. Females have higher concentration of estrogen while males have more androgens in their bloodstream.
- Estrogen is the major hormone for a normal sexual development in females which is responsible for puberty, menstruation & fertility.
- Androgens are a group of hormones in males which impart “male-like characteristics” including sperm production, sexual drive, deepened voice, increased muscle mass, and appearance of Adam’s apple & increased body hair.
Gynecomastia occurs when the level of these hormones goes out of balance. Therefore, a male with Gynecomastia has either a decrease in androgen or increase in estrogen or both. It can occur in one or both male breasts.
What are the common problems faced by a person with Gynecomastia?
- Lump or fatty tissue
- Quite often it could be associated with a pain or tenderness
- Back pain/shoulder pain or chest pain may also be associated with it
- Some men rush to the doctor because of a fear of cancer
- Cosmetic problems are a common concern of insecurity & inferiority complex
- Some men may also suffer from depression
What are the factors causing Gynecomastia?
Males usually develop Gynecomastia at the time of puberty. However it is transient & will not progress after a certain time period. There are various health conditions that can also present with Gynecomastia such as-
- Liver cirrhosis
- Obesity
- Old age with lower testosterone production
- Type 1 Diabetes mellitus
- Renal failure & patients on dialysis
- Starvation
- Stressful life conditions
- Gynecomastia is also seen in patients with an overactive thyroid gland producing excessive thyroid hormones.
- A condition in which the male hormones are produced in an insufficient quantity known as Hypogonadism can also lead to Gynecomastia.
- Some men misuse steroids for the purpose of bodybuilding. This can also lead to Gynecomastia.
Routine questions asked about Gynecomastia surgery?
Q1- Is there a permanent treatment option available for Gynecomastia?
A1- Gynecomastia can be treated permanently through surgery.
- Surgery was previously considered as an extreme procedure and was only performed on men with severe Gynecomastia as it required removing tissue from the chest wall, causing scarring and sometimes breathing problems due to damage to the muscles of the rib cage.
- However, our team of surgeons at Believers Church medical college hospital with advanced training and expertise, can offer guaranteed outcomes with minimal complications.
- With the use of advanced technology for breast reduction, Believers Church Medical College Hospital offers the finest & the best Gynecomastia surgery which will help to give natural shape back to male chests without any side effects or scarring.
Q2- What is to be kept in mind while considering Gynecomastia Surgery?
A2- The size of man breasts can make a person very self-conscious; however, when seeking treatment for Gynecomastia, it’s important to find a qualified surgeon.
- In most cases, male breast reduction surgery can be performed as an outpatient procedure and completed within one to two hours.
- Since no liposuction is involved with breast reduction, many men feel they are more masculine following the procedure than if they had liposuction alone.
- At Believers Church Medical College Hospital, our surgeons have trained from top facilities and are able to reduce male breasts safely and effectively.
- Male breast reduction procedures are designed to remove excess fat, glandular tissue and skin from your chest area. This helps create a firmer chest while also improving your appearance. Our goal is to provide you with natural-looking results that last a lifetime.
Q3-Does Gynecomastia surgery hurt?
A3- Well, it depends on which procedure you choose. Make sure to consult with a qualified surgeon before undergoing any form of man breasts treatment in Kerala.
- If you have Gynecomastia caused by excess fat, liposuction can eliminate those lumps and bumps.
- For excess glandular tissue, surgery is usually required.
Either way, we at Believers Church Medical College Hospital promise to make your experience as quick and painless as possible so that you can get back to living life to its fullest.
Q4-Does Gynecomastia re occur?
A4- You have to be careful about certain things after this surgery:
- Ensure that you follow a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise to maintain a flatter chest.
- It is also essential to treat any underlining causes for Gynecomastia (like fat deposits or hormonal imbalance) so that it doesn’t occur again.
- If you are obese, losing weight will go a long way towards achieving flat chests without surgery.
- The good news is that most men who undergo man breasts treatment do not suffer from reoccurrence of Gynecomastia. The bad news is if you don’t stay fit, then there are chances of having enlarged male breasts again!
Q5-What are the common patient concerns after a Gynecomastia Surgery?
A5- Most of our patients who undergo Gynecomastia surgery are very concerned about scarring, particularly on their chest. There is no skin removal during Gynecomastia surgery, therefore it will be very difficult to find any scars after it’s done.
The incisions used are so tiny that they are hardly visible even before your skin heals!
During and after your recovery, we also advise against wearing tight-fitting clothing. It's a good idea to wear loose-fitting clothes when sleeping too as these could irritate newly formed tissue.
If you follow these instructions carefully, you'll see a smooth and unblemished chest soon enough!
Q6- What are the benefits of Gynecomastia surgery at Believers Church medical college hospital ?
A6- Gynecomastia is a common problem that needs to be treated with immediate effect owing to the fact that it can lead to a wide variety of side effects if left untreated.
Believers Church Medical College Hospital is one of the leading hospitals in Kerala offering harmless Gynecomastia surgery at affordable price.
- We are one of the best hospitals in Kerala offering a safe surgery which is primarily aimed at correcting enlarged male breasts without any scarring or visible signs of surgery after healing.
- Whether it is part time or full time, Gynecomastia Surgery Center at Believers Church Medical College Hospital provides excellent service! Our world-class hospital is equipped with modern medical equipment.
- At Believers Church Medical College Hospital all kinds of information will be shared openly so that patients can understand different treatment options more clearly whether it is liposuction or surgical excision.
- We have highly experienced surgeons who are specialized in performing Gynecomastia surgery. They provide you with best treatments available at affordable cost.
- In addition to that, you will also receive guidance from our dietician about how to lose weight after Gynecomastia surgery in Kerala.
- Believers Church Medical College Hospital offers complete Gynecomastia treatment under one roof; therefore there is no need to go elsewhere.
- Complete privacy and confidentiality guaranteed – All your details will remain confidential while getting treatment at our hospital. Your identity will not be revealed to anyone without your permission.
- Cost-effective treatment – Our hospital provides high quality treatments at an affordable cost, making it accessible to everyone without burdening them financially.