Last updated on 08 May 2024, 03.11 pm


Mission and Educational Objectives

The UG program in Psychiatry at Believers Church Medical College aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of mental health disorders, their diagnosis, treatment, and management within the context of general medicine.


  • Comprehensive curriculum covering core principles of psychiatry, including psychopathology, assessment, pharmacotherapy, and psychotherapy.
  • Integration with other medical disciplines to ensure a holistic approach to patient care, recognizing the interplay between physical and mental health.

Clinical Training

  • Practical clinical training in psychiatric wards, outpatient clinics, and emergency departments to evaluate and manage patients with a wide range of mental health disorders.
  • Exposure to various psychiatric conditions, including mood disorders, anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders, substance use disorders, and neurodevelopmental disorders.

Faculty Expertise

  • The department is staffed with experienced psychiatrists who specialize in various areas of mental health.
  • Faculty members actively engage in clinical practice, research, and academic activities aimed at advancing psychiatric knowledge and patient care.

Technology Integration

  • Utilization of modern medical technology, including psychiatric assessment tools, telepsychiatry, and electronic health records, to enhance diagnostic accuracy and treatment planning.
  • Training in the use of digital tools for medical documentation and evidence-based practice in psychiatric care.

Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

  • Emphasis on developing critical thinking skills for accurate diagnosis and effective management of psychiatric conditions.
  • Case-based learning and clinical discussions to enhance problem-solving abilities specific to psychiatric practice.

Patient-Centered Care

  • Focus on patient communication, empathy, and shared decision-making in the delivery of psychiatric care.
  • Training in ethical practices and patient confidentiality within the context of mental health treatment.

Postgraduate (PG) Program

Research Opportunities

  • Encouragement for PG residents to engage in psychiatric research projects, exploring the etiology, treatment, and outcomes of mental health disorders.
  • Collaboration with faculty on ongoing medical research initiatives aimed at advancing psychiatric science and improving patient care.

Continuing Medical Education

  • Regular participation in national and international psychiatric conferences, workshops, and seminars.
  • Staying updated on the latest advancements in psychiatric science, treatment modalities, and evidence-based practices.

Teaching and Training

  • Involvement in undergraduate medical education, providing teaching and mentorship to UG students in psychiatric principles and practice.
  • Training in medical education principles and effective teaching methodologies specific to psychiatry.

Patient Care Leadership

  • Training in leadership and management skills for effective coordination of psychiatric services within healthcare settings.
  • Involvement in multidisciplinary healthcare teams for comprehensive patient management, integrating psychiatric care into overall treatment plans.