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Last updated on 12 Feb 2025, 01.15 PM

Principal's Message

Believers Church Medical College Hospital was started with a great vision of bringing hope and healing with the love of Christ. The ultimate goal of the medical profession is to serve humanity. This ethos of service drives everything we do at Believers Medical College, from admissions, to teaching, to training and mentoring.

Our endeavour is to impart to our students the necessary skills, knowledge and mindset that will enable them to become leading practitioners in the medical field. To this end, we engage with them more as facilitators in their growth and development, and less as instructors. We are proud to say that we have a faculty, who are devoted to developing physicians that can bring hope and relief to those suffering from disease and ill-health. They endeavor tirelessly to cultivate in our students a deep sense of intellectual curiosity, so that they will go on develop medical practices and methodologies based on both, astute perception and absolute compassion.

William Osler famously quoted: “The practice of medicine is an art, based on science.” While we continue to imbibe new technologies both in our physical infrastructure and in our pedagogical practices, we also remind ourselves and our students that, our profession is a delicate balance of art and science. Notwithstanding all the technology aids that are available at our disposal, and which will continue to enhance our precision in clinical care, the practice of medicine will remain an elegant blend of art founded in subjective personal interaction, and truth grounded in objective scientific research. By regularly interacting with our students on a one-to-one basis, our faculty adapt our teaching methodologies to bring out the unique best of each and every student. With meticulously planned Foster Parenting System, we have created a unique proposition, a medical college with heart, a home away from home.

Unique initiatives like Secondary Hospital Programme and Clinical Foundation Program helps to discover within themselves a deep sense of purpose and responsibility. And by constantly engaging with them as their mentors and guides, we are confident that our first batch graduates will emerge not only confident of their knowledge and skills, but also rounded with the temperament needed to remain lifelong learners. We remind ourselves on a daily basis to strive to teach with sincerity and creativity, so that our students will, one day, go on to treat with dedication and compassion. As enablers, this remains our duty to them, and to ourselves.

It has been five years since we first opened our doors to students and our college is now transitioning to a period of maturity. We invite you to join us, as we continue on this exciting journey of student-centered medical education of today for patient-centered health care of tomorrow. This is an excellent time to prepare for a career in medicine, and we at Believers, are undoubtedly addressing the needs of the next generation of doctors, who will utilize their own innate creativity along with all the technology at their disposal to, both provide optimal patient care, and to promote health. The future is bright for the medical profession, and we invite you to explore your future with us at Believers.

Believe and strive.

Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Joseph

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All admissions are regulated by the Office of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations (CEE) through a centralized allotment process. Please visit cee.kerala.gov.in for further details.

For any other Queries send us an email,registrar@bcmch.org / office.registrar@bcmch.org.