Department Activities:



ONÓIR - a term of Irish origin that translates to "to pay, do or honour someone". As we usher in our youngest batch at BCMCH, the batch of 2024, this event holds great significance as it marks the beginning of our students' medical education, transitioning from their foundation programme to a more hands on, skill based phase of learning.

The cadavers were once living individuals who had selflessly chosen to donate their bodies for the advancement of medical education. So these donors should be treated with dignity and respect. The Cadavers serve a dual role, as the students’ initial patients and mentors making it essential for the students to approach their study with reverence and ethical integrity.

The program started with Rev. Fr. Thomas Varghese Achen's blessings and prayer, and welcome address by Prof. Dr. Vijayamma K. N, Senior professor of Anatomy and Vice Principal of BCMCH. The event became more fascinating when our own dear Prof. Dr. John Valliattu, Associate Director, shared his experiences in learning Anatomy. (Sir was a Gold medalist in Anatomy in1963).

The Chief Guest for the event, Prof. Dr. Subramoniam Vaidyanathan Sir had an interactive session with the new students. His talk was a short journey through his book "Rocky, my silent mentor, mortui vivos docent, -the dead teaches the living ". His talk made headway to a world of spirituality, compassion, and empathy. He emphasized that Anatomy is the 'Jesus Nut ' of the Medical profession. Then Prof. Vaidyanathan sir administered the Cadaveric Oath to the students, which was the core event of the day. The event became more glowing with the felicitations of Dr. Geomcy George and Prof. Dr. Remla Beevi. Our college union chairman Basil George and our dear student Sreekanth (2022batch) attended the programme and shared their memories of the Dissection Hall. A student from the new batch shared her thoughts during the oath taking moment. The event was well received with the presence of Dr. Abel K Samuel Johnson, Vice Principal and all the first year faculty members. Overall it was a beautiful ceremony!