Dear Brothers & Sisters,
Greetings from the Believers Church and the Believers Church Medical College & Hospital.You may ask ‘why another Medical College and Hospital?’ The answer is very simple. In St. Mark’s Gospel Chapter 2 and verse 22, Jesus says, ‘No one pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, he pours new wine into new wineskins.’
The Believers Church was formed in response to God’s call to be a new wineskin in this generation, to glorify God by knowing Jesus intimately and by being conformed into His image. Through this calling, we seek to fulfil the Great Commision by all means, especially among the most unreached in our generation.
The Believers Church Medical College & Hospital form an important part of the healing arm of the Believers Church. The Hospital and College will play a major role in our response to the call to missions. Through an effective telemedicine network, we hope to reach out to all the needy parts of our country. Our care and compassion should be Christlike. The quality of education and training should be the very best.
We live in the day of individualism, of existential self-discovery, of fighting for liberation, when authority is seen as a servant appointed by free men to serve them. Yet we know that interdependence, not independence in the key to successful community. We hope to train our doctors, nurses, allied health work and support personnel to practice servant leadership.
Life and faith become more meaningful when we can celebrate it in the company of others. It is possible because of the love of Christ that melts us together in His love and purpose.
Enable me, Jesus,
and thus
I may become more like you.
The Lord bless you and give you peace.
Moran Mor Samuel Theophilus Metropolitan
All admissions are regulated by the Office of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations (CEE) through a centralized allotment process. Please visit for further details.
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