Last updated on 12 Feb 2025, 01.15 PM



No Date of Webinar Topic Speakers Designation
1 02/07/2020 The COVID- 19 Pandemic- Our response. Dr. Divya Iyer. Mission Director, Mahatma Gandhi NREGA.
2 01/08/2020 Insights into the Novel Corona Virus- SARS CoV- 2. Dr. Priya Abraham. Director, National Institute of Virology
3 16/08/2020 CMC’s response to the COVID- 19 Pandemic Dr. Priscilla Rupali. Professor, Department of Infectious Diseases, CMC Vellore.
4 19/08/2020 Management of COVID- 19 Infection. Dr. Abi Manesh. Consultant, Dept. of Infectious Diseases, CMC Vellore.
5 28/09/2020 Medical Management of Glaucoma- An update. Dr. Sapna Sinha. Glaucoma Consultant, Aravind Eye Hospital, Salem.
6 29/08/2020 Understanding genomes of SARS- CoV- 2 from India. Dr. Vinod Scaria. Scientist C, CSIR- IGIB.
7 02/09/2020 In- Hospital management of patients with Diabetes and COVID- 19 Infection. Dr. Felix Jebasingh. Associate Professor, Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, CMC Vellore.
8 09/09/2020 Minimal access surgery in Paediatric and Neonatal surgery- An update. Dr. R. P. Pratheep Samraj Consultant Paediatric Surgeon, CSI Mission Hospital, Neyyoor.
9 14/09/2020 Radiological signs of COVID- 19 - Developments and perspectives. Dr. Anandapadmanabhan Jayajothi Consultant Radiologist, Swansea Bay Health Board, UK.
10 19/09/2020 Clinical updates on Parkinson’s therapy. Dr. Valentina Joseph Clinical Associate Professor and Clerkship Director of Neurology, Sanford USD Brain and Spine Centre, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.
11 23/09/2020 COVID- 19- An overview and current therapies. Dr. Avinash Alexander Hospitalist, Hendrick regional medical center, Abilene, Texas, USA.
12 26/09/2020 Newer insights into the COVID Conundrum. Dr. George M Abraham Professor of Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA.
13 03/10/2020 Artificial Intelligence in Oncology. Dr. Anand D Jeyasekharan Assistant Professor of Medicine and Oncology, NUH, Singapore.
14 05/10/2020 Precocious Puberty- An Overview of Evaluation and Management. Dr. Shabana Kalladi Paediatric Endocrinologist, Beaumont Children’s Hospital, Michigan, USA.
15 09/10/2020 Treatment of Depression- An update. Dr. Aarya Krishnan Rajalakshmi Child and adolescent psychiatry fellow, MGH/McLean Hospital, Harvard, Boston, USA.
16 13/10/2020 Reaching out to Doctors in Distress Dr. Girija Mohan, Dr. Suresh Kumar, Dr. John Valliattu, Dr. George Chandy M. **** ****
17 13/10/2020 Advances in Heart Failure Management:
1) Role of Beta Blockers and other drugs.
2) Device therapy in Heart Failure.
1) Dr. P. Arun Prasath 2) Dr. Deep Chandh Raja. 1) Associate Professor, Department of Cardiology, MGMC& RI, Puducherry.
2) Advanced clinical cardiac electrophysiology doctoral fellow, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
18 19/10/2020 Preventing clinical inertia: The way to prevent Diabetes complications. Dr. V. Mohan Chairman and chief of Diabetology at Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes specialities centre, Chennai, India.
President and director of the Madras Diabetes Research Foundation.
19 24/10/2020 Living Healthy as Little People- Panel Discussion. Dr. Kunjamma Roy, Dr. Joji Joshua Philipose, Dr. Anulekha Mary John, Dr. Cijo Alex.***** *****
20 21/10/2020 Proteinuria in the diagnosis and management of kidney disease. Dr. Vinoi George David Professor and Head, Unit I, Department of Nephrology, CMC Vellore.
21 30/10/2020 Acute Ischemic Stroke- Perspectives in comprehensive care. Dr. Tito Thundiyil Idicula Consultant Neurologist, St. Olav University Hospital (NTNU), Norway.
22 31/10/2020 Management of Breast Cancer- An update and challenges faced during the COVID- 19 Pandemic. Dr. Anup Vinayan Consultant clinical Oncologist, Mount Vernon Cancer Centre, East and North Herts, NHS Trust, UK.
23 04/11/2020 Patient Safety in Healthcare- An international perspective. Dr. Umesh Prabhu Director, International Recruitment, Bolton University, UK.
24 07/11/2020 Treatment of stable ischemic heart disease-An update. Dr. Karuppiah Arunachalam Senior Cardiology Fellow and Assistant Professor, Department of Cardiology, Northeast Ohio Medical University, Ohio, USA.
25 10/11/2020 Unravelling the secrets of embryo implantation to improve success of Assisted Reproduction Dr. Deepak Modi Scientist F and Head, Molecular and Cellular Biology lab, ICMR- National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health.
26 14/11/2020 Management of Diabetes in Children. Dr. Adlyne Reena Asirvatham Associate Professor, Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, SRMC, Chennai.
27 17/11/2020 Autism spectrum and beyond. Dr. Beena Koshy Professor, Department of developmental Pediatrics, DBT- Wellcome India Alliance Intermediate CPH fellow, CMC Vellore.
28 21/11/2020 Frailty and comprehensive Geriatric assessment. Dr. Maya Mukundan Specialty registrar in Geriatrics, Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, UK.
29 26/11/2020 The COVID Pandemic- An American Perspective: Lessons for India. (BEST TALKS- 1) Dr. Jacob Eapen, Dr. V. Ramanathan, Dr. T. Jacob Samuel. *** ***
30 30/11/2020 Our Immune System and COVID. Dr. Debashish Danda + * *
31 03/12/2020 Rights and Opportunities for Differentially abled Dr. Sooraj Rajagopal, Smt. Shamla Beegam J., Ms. Dhanya Ravi ** **
32 04/12/2020 Clinical Diagnosis in Neurology Dr. Vineeth Jaison Associate Professor, Department of Neurology, CMC Ludhiana.
33 08/ 12/ 2020 iThrive- Adding years to life Dr. Clarence Samuel Professor and Head, Department of Community Medicine, CMC- Ludhiana.
34 11/12/2020 Journey of a Breast Cancer Oncoplastic Surgeon (BEST TALKS-2). Dr. Jajini Susan Varghese Academic lead and Oncoplastic and Breast Reconstructive Surgeon, Department of Breast Surgery/ Plastic Surgery, Royal Free NHS Trust, Division of Surgical and Interventional Sciences, University College London, London, UK.
35 15/12/2020 Diagnosis and Management of Tuberculosis- An update. Dr. Rajiv Karthik Krishnaswami Associate Professor, Department of Infectious Diseases, CMC Vellore.
36 18/12/2020 Medication errors in a hospital- Mitigation Strategies. Dr. Subhrojyothi Bhowmick Clinical Director- Academics, Quality and Clinical Research, Peerless Hospital, Kolkota. Honorary Lecturer, Institute of Clinical Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK.
37 02/01/2021 How to improve communication and prevent avoidable hospital deaths. Dr. Raj Verma, Dr. Umesh Prabhu, Dr. Subhrojyothi Bhowmick. *** Associate Medical Director, Integrated Care Group, North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, UK. ***
38 06/01/2021 Management of Allergic Rhinitis. Dr. Glenis Kathleen Scadding Honorary Consultant Physician, Royal National ENT Hospital. Honorary Senior Lecturer in Clinical Immunology, University College London School of Medicine, London, UK.
39 09/01/2021 Carbohydrate Reduction as a Therapeutic Intervention Mr. Doug Reynolds, Mr. Jaydeep Bhuta. Founder and CEO, Low Carb USA. President, The society of MetaboliC Health Practitioners, USA. Health Coach and International Speaker on Low Carb Vegetarian Diet, Mumbai, India.
40 11/01/2021 “I am a medical student, how do I get into research?”- A Clinician’s perspective. Dr. Chandrasekharan Kaliaperumal Consultant Neurosurgeon, Western General Hospital and Royal Hospital for sick children, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
41 15/01/2021 Chronic Kidney Disease- An Overview. Dr. Paul Moreau Bossous Consultant Nephrologist, Locums Tenens, Tift Regional Medical Center, Tifton, GA and 360 Kidney Care LLC, Brownsville, Texas, USA.
42 19/01/2021 General Signs and Symptoms of Pulmonary Disorders in Children. Dr. Grace R Paul, Dr. Ritika Chhawchharia, Dr. Sarika Gupta. ***** Consultant Pulmonologist and Sleep Physician, Division of Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio, USA. *****
43 25/01/2021 Clinical Decision Making- Making it both shared and balanced. Prof.Dr.Ed Piele EdD, FRCP, FRCGP, FRCPCH, FHEA, HonFAcadMed. Professor Emeritus (Medical Education) University of Warwick, UK.
44 27/01/2021 Status Epilepticus- ‘Seizing’ Pandora’s Box Dr. Wazim Mohammed Medical Director, Director of Research & Associate Prof., Division of Neurocritical Care, Dept of Nueorology. Assoc. Prof. Dept of Neurosurgery, Programme Director Neurocritical Care Fellowship, Detroit, Mechigan, USA.
45 30/01/2021 Ophthal;mic Emergencies Dr.Ramesh Raghavendran Sivaraj MS, DNB, FRCSEd,FRCOphth, PG Cert Clin, Leadership, Research Lead & Deputy clinical Services Lead, University Hospitals, NHS Foundation Trust, UK
47 01/02/2021 Clinical faces of Leprosy Dr.jincy John Junior Resident, Dept of Dermatology, BCMCH, Thiruvalla.
48 03/02/2021 Pain Medicine- A newly emerging super specialty Scope and Changes. Dr.Dhruv Bibra DA, DNB. Senior Consultant in Pain Medicine, Delhi Management Centre, New Delhi.
49 04/02/2021 Personalized Treatment in Cancer Patients. Dr.Chandrakanth M V MD, DM, DNB, ECMO, MRCP (SC-Med Onc.) Consultant Medical Oncology and Hemato-Oncology, Narayana Super Specialty Hospital, Howrah West Bengal, India.
50 06/02/2021 Introduction to Forensic Psychiatry Dr.Rajesh Jacob, Dr.VV Pillai* Consultant Psychiatrist, Promises (Winslow ) Clinic, Singapore Professor and Head, Dept. of Forensic medicine & Toxicology, Amrita Institute of medical sciences, Cochin
51 09/02/2021 Natural History of Epilepsy Dr.Josemir W Sander MD, PhD, FRCP, FEAN, Prof. of Neurology –UK, Head- Dept of Clinical & Experimental Epilepsy, London, UK. Director for Scientific Research, Stichting Epilepsie Instellingen Nederland (SEIN) Heemstede, The Nethelands. Medical Director Chalfont Centre for Epilepsy, St.Peter, England, UK.
52 12/02/2021 Sexual and Reproductive Health An Awareness. Dr.Sreedevi N S MD, OBG, DGO, Prof. & Head, Dept of Obstetrics& Gynaecology, Pushpagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, Thiruvalla, Kerala.
53 19/02/2021 Contraceptive options in Lupus pregnancy- A case based discussion. Dr.Katerzyna Gilek Seibert. MD, Assist. Prof in Rheumatology, Bostan University. Rheumatology Fellowship Programme Director, Roger Williams Medical Centre. Adjunct Prof of Rheumatology Brown University. Division Director CharterCARE Health Partners.
54 24/02/2021 USMLE – Should I or Should not? Dr.Kaustubh Dabhadkar MD, Director- Cardiovascular Imaging, Lead Physician-Heart & Vascular Institute, Charlotte, NC, USA.
56 03/03/2021 Punish the Machine- The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare. Dr.Uli K Chettippally MD, MPH, Founder and President- Innovator MD. Member advisory Board of Directors, American Board of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine.Co- founder & Former CTO, CREST Network.Emergency Physician, Co-founder & Former Chairman Society of Physician Entrepreneurs.
65 21/05/2021 Managing COVID-19 Through Timeliness. Dr.Mathew Varghese Head, Dept of Orthopaedics, Former Director, St.Stephen’s Hospital, Delhi.
67 17/06/2021 1. (COVID-19 in Children and MIS-C: The CMC Vellore Experience)COVID-19 in Children- Manifestations, Management & updates
2. Diagnosis & mgt of MIS-C
3. Acute COVID-19 in Children & MIS-C, Critical Care Aspects.
Dr.Valsan Philip Varghese, Dr.Satheesh Kumar, Dr.Ebor Jacob James Professor Paediatric Infectious Diseases, CMC Vellore Professor, Consultant Paediatric Rheumatologist, CMC Vellore Professor Paediatric Critical Care, CMC Vellore
70 10/07/2021 Lung Cancer Surgery- Recent Advances. Dr.Alan Sihoe MBBChir, FRCSEd(CTh) FCSHK,FHKAM. Chief of Cardiac-Thoracic Surgery, International Medical Center& Honorary Consultant in thoracic surgery, Gleneagles Hospital, Hong Kong, International Director, The Society of Thoracic Surgeons.
71 13.07.2022 (NW 96) Prof. Dr. Shakir Husain Hakim Dr. Anilkumar Sivan Dr. Joban John MD, DN, Neurology, Research Director, Chairman, Stroke & Neurointervention Foundation(SNIF) Sr. Consultant, Believers Institute of Neurological Disorders and stroke. Sr. Consultant, Believers Institute of Neurological Disorders and stroke
72 25.05.2022 (NW 91) A Sneak-peek into emergency medicine & wellness of Doctors Dr. Mutuza Ghiya Dr.Jacob James Thrikkoikal Dr.Vivek Gopinathan Asst. Professor Emergency medicine, K J Somaiya Medical College, Mumbai. Asst. Professor Emergency medicine, BCMCH Professor Emergency medicine, BCMCH
73 11.05.2022 (NW 89) Patient’s experience exceeding their expectations- A Nurses Role Mrs. Saramma Samuel Mrs. Mini Sarah Thomas Dr.Jacob Jesurun R S Secretary, RVS College of Arts & Science and RVS IMSR, Coimbatore. Chief Nursing Officer, BCMCH MD, Prof. and HOD, Dept. of Pharmacology, Dean of Student affairs, BCMCH
74 23.03.2022 (NW 81) Leadership challenges in Christian healthcare Prof. Dr.Sunil Thomas Chandy Dr.Philip Finny Chief Medical Officer – ITC Healthcare (Former Director of CMC Vellore) Senior Consultant, Dept. of Endocrinologist, BCMCH.
75 25.05.2022 (NW 91) A Sneak-peek into emergency medicine & wellness of Doctors Dr. Mutuza Ghiya Dr.Jacob James Thrikkoikal Dr.Vivek Gopinathan Asst. Professor Emergency medicine, K J Somaiya Medical College, Mumbai. Asst. Professor Emergency medicine, BCMCH Professor Emergency medicine, BCMCH
Today? Dr.Philip Finny Dr.Jacob Jesurun R S Chennai, India. President and director of the Madras Diabetes Research Foundation. MD (Med), DNB (Med), DNB (Endo), MA (Organizational Leadership and Management), Senior Consultant, Dept of Endocrinology, BCMCH. MD, Prof. and HOD, Dept. of Pharmacology, Dean of Student affairs, BCMCH
76 16/07/2021 Precision Diabetes in India- Where are we Padmasree Dr.V Mohan Chairman and chief of Diabetology at Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes specialities centre,
77 21/01/2022 International Webinar (79) Consensus Practice Guidelines on Interventions for Cervical Spine (facet) joint pain from a multispecialty International working group. Dr. Alyson Engle Dr. Ivan Koshy (Moderator) Dr.Jacob Jesurun R S (Organizer & Host) Anaesthesiologist and pain Medicine Physician Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA. Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, BCMCH. Dean of Student affairs, Professor & Head of Department of Pharmacology, BCMCH
78 23/03/2022 National Webinar (81) Leadership Challenges in Christian Healthcare Prof. Dr. Sunil Thomas Chandy Dr. Philip Finny (Moderator) Chief Medical Officer- ITC Healthcare (Former Director of CMC Vellore) Senior Consultant, Endocrinologist, BCMCH.
79 22/12/2021 International Webinar (77) Management of Helicobacter pylori Current trends and challenges. Dr. Evaristus Sunday Chukwudike Dr.Ashok Kumar (Moderator) Dr.Jacob Jesurun R S (Organizer & Host) Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Calabar teaching hospital, Calabar, Nigeria. Senior Consultant Gastroenterologist, Believers Regional Institute of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and transplantation, BCMCH Dean of Student affairs, Professor & Head of Department of Pharmacology, BCMCH
80 17/12/2021 National Webinar (76) Anthropometry and Growth charts. Dr. Meghna Chawla Dr.Anulekha Mary John Dr. Sujin Mariam Thomas (Moderators) Dr.Jacob Jesurun R S (Organizer & Host) Consultant Paediatric Endocrinologist, Ruby hall clinic group of hospitals,Pune India Prof. of Medicine, Dept. of Endocrinology, BCMCH Asst. Prof, Dept of Paediatrics, BCMCH. Dean of Student affairs, Professor & Head of Department of Pharmacology, BCMCH


- Revised Basic Course workshop in Medical Education Technology from 8th April 2021 to 10th April 2021.

CME Programs 2019

Sl No Topic Conducted By Date
1 “Triumphs and challenges in doing clinical research in secondary and tertiary care Hospitals” Ms.Lois Armstrong (Public Health Speaker, Nurse Consultant & Research Associate Ducan Hospital,Raxaul) 03.01.2019
2 Anatomy “Leonardo da vinci- Down the memory lane” Dr.Rani Nallathamby, Assistant Professor of Anatomy 24.01.2019
3 “Tec psychiatry’s role in medication assisted treatment” Dr.Sajoy Purathumuriyil Varghese 07.02.2019
4 ‘Palliative Care-‘An essential skill for all” Prof. Mhoira Leng, Medical Director, Cairdeas International Palliative Care Trust, Scotland 14.02.2019
5 “ Holistic Care –Mental health in Chronic illness & Palliative care” Prof. Chitra Venkateswaran, Consultant Psycho Oncologist 14.02.2019
6 “Trans Hemorrhoidal Dearterialisation (THD) – A Painless Surgical procedure for Hemorrhoids” Dr. George Varghese (MS,FRCS, FICS, FACS, PGDMLS) Specialist General & Laproscopic Surgeon AVIVI National hospital Abu Dhabi 22.03.2019
7 “Approach to Polyarthritis” Dr. Debashish Danda (Founder Head, Dept. of Rheumtology & Clinical immunology , CMC Vellore) 23.03.2019
8 “Introduction to new equipment” Dr.Riju Mathew ,Asst. Prof of Biochemistry 25.03.2019
9 “End of life Ethics workshop” Dr.Jameela George 12.04.2019
10 “History of Medical Ethics” Dr.Satish Thomas, Dean Research & Ethics 16.04.2019
11 “Documentation on the cause of death” Dr.S K Mathew, Professor of General Medicine 17.04.2019
12 “Documentation on the cause of death” Dr.S K Mathew, Professor of General Medicine 24.04.2019

CME Programs 2018

Sl No Topic Conducted By Date
1 “Interesting Cases in Medicine” Dr. Prince Joseph (Assistant professor, Department of Medicine), Dr. Sony Punnen Thomas ( Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine), Dr. Hyma Jose (Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine) 04.01.2018
2 “Our series of breast conservation surgery for carcinoma breast”

“Multiple presentation of an uncommon surgical condition”

“Stapled Haemorrhoidectomy”

Dr Althaf Ahmed Pillai ( Senior Resident, General surgery), Dr Roshan George Varkey ( Assistant Professor, General Surgery), Dr Abraham Mathew (Associate Professor, General Surgery) 25.01.2018
 3  “Haemotology Cases BCMCH Experience”
“Is Beta Thalassemia carrier state a problem in Kerala?”
 Dr. Sheila Das (Professor,Pathology)  08.02.2018
 4 “MICROBIOLOGY” The challenge of Antibiotic
resistance in BCMCH
Dr.Reena Annie Jose, Assistant Professor
Dr.Stephen Mathew, Assistant Professor
 5 “PHYSIOLOGY” Integration of science and medicine Dr. A. Sreekumar, MBBS; DLO;
Wellness Solutions, Kochi
 6 “MEDICAL EDUCATION” Moving from CME to CPD Dr.Thomas V.Chacko, Dean of Medical Education  27.03.18
 7 “NEPHROLOGY” AKI – Novel Markers Dr.Rajesh Joseph, Consultant in Nephrology & Asst Prof in General Medicine  29.05.18
 8 OPHTHALMOLOGY Squint: Why early correction is paramount? Dr. Satish Thomas, Prof & Head of Ophthalmology  19.06.2018
 9 Obstetrics & Gynecology: “ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) an overview” Dr. Koshy Cherian, Senior Consultant OBG  10.07.2018
 10 “Integrated palliative care for all-leaving none behind” Prof. Mhoira Leng, Medical Director, Cairdeas International Palliative Care Trust, Scotland  30.08.2018
 11 “Bright and beautiful yet fragile bones”-An update about metabolic bone disorder Dr. Thomas Paul, Professor of Endocrinology, CMC Vellore  05.10.2018
 12 Orthopedics: “How are we managing infected non unions”-BCMCH Experience Dr. James C George, Assistant Professor of Orthopedics  25.10.2018
 13 Pediatrics: “Interesting Case presentation in Pediatrics” Dr. Aby Dany Varghese, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics  06.12.2018
 14 Gastroenterology: “Endoscopic ultrasound-A primer for Clinicians” Dr. Deepak K Johnson, Senior Consultant of Gastroenterology  20.12.2018

CME Programs 2017

Sl No Topic Conducted By Date
1 Resuscitation protocols and improved outcomes in Cardiac Arrest Mr. Gerry Carpanini (Senior Paramedic ans Senior Clinical Instructor, UK) 14.03.2017
2 How and where to publish your study? Dr. Alice david, Research Associate 28.03.2017
3 Post Operative Cognitive Dyfunction Dr. Preethi mary Joseph, , Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology 20.04.2017
4 Pharmacovigilance Dr. Jacob Jesurun 19.04.2017
5 Oral cancer – management Dr. Bichu Jacob, Assistant Professor of Dentistry 27.04.2017
6 Embalming Dr. Anju Mary Albert, Assistant Professor of Anatomy 09.05.2017
7 Medical Education Clinic – Educational Diagnosis & Intervention / Treatment Dr. Thomas V Chacko, Dean –Medical Education & Prof of Community Medicine 23.05.2017
8 Urine – NGAL and Acute Kidney Injury Dr. Subaida M.R, Prof & Head of Biochemistry 22.06.2017
9 Acute Stroke – The Concept of the Golden Hour Dr. Anil Kumar Sivan, Consultant in Neurology 11.07.2017
10 Frequently asked Questions asked to Biostatisticians Answered Dr. Pramod Thomas, , Associate Professor & Biostatistician, Department of Community Medicine, 25.07.2017
11 Assessing and Managing Cardiac Risk in Non Cardiac Surgical Procedures Dr.T.U.Zachariah, Senior Consultant in Cardiology 10.08.2017
12 Closure of VSD’s without surgery Dr. R. Suresh Kumar, Senior Consultant, Dept.of Paediatric Cardiology 24.08.2017
13 Stroboscopy – A trick to diagnosis Dr. George Thomas, Assistant Professor, Dept. of E.N.T 12.09.2017
14 Moans, Groans And Melting Bones Dr.Anulekha John & Dr.Philip Fenny, Dept of Endocrinology 26.09.2017
15 Radiation Hazards among OT Personnel Dr.Mathew.P.Daniel,Senior consultant in Neuro Surgery. 12.10.2017
16 Panaceas for litigations against doctors Dr Boban Babu, Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine 26.10.2017
17  Getting at the Gram Negative Bugs  – A New Strategy” Dr.Grace Mary John, Clinical Pharmacist, BCMCH 09-11-17
18 Decompensated Cirrhosis Liver- Key Issues in Clinical Practice Dr.Deepak Johnson, Consultant in Gastroenterology. 30.11.2017
19 Powerpoint, A boom or a Curse? How to make it more effective Dr.Thomas V Chacko, Dean of Medical Education. 14.12.2017

CME Programs 2016

Sl No Topic Conducted By Date
1 An Interesting case from the dept of General Medicine & Paediaterics Dr. Reenu Mathew 06-01-16
2 Medicine Safety Dr. Sujith Chandy 20-01-16
3 Overview of Neurosurgery Dr. Unnikrishnan M 28-01-16
4 IV to Peroral Conversion of Antibiotics Miss. Grace Maria John 04-02-16
5 Minimally Invasive Surgery for Lumber Canal Stenosis Dr. Mathew P Daniel 11-02-16
6 Current Guidelines in the Management of Urinary Tract Infection Dr. Rajesh Joseph 18-02-16
7 Looking beyond sample Dr. Ajitha 24-02-16
8 Review of a Journal Article Dr. Jijo Joseph John 03-03-16
9 Doing research in a resource poor setting. Triumph’s & Challenges Dr. Philip Finny 10-03-16
10 An Interesting Case Presentation from Medicine Dept Dr. Jibin John Thomas, Dr. Teena M Juby 17-03-16
11 Cavernoma of the brain stem Dr. Unnikrishnan M 24-03-16
12 A seminar on Palliative Care Dr. Stanley Macaden 30-05-16
13 Handling and counselling a patient in Phamracy Asst Prof Mr Jayakumar K S 30-05-16

CME Programs 2015

Sl No Topic Conducted By Date
1 Diabetic Management is Surgical patients Dr Mohan Varghese 26-02-15
2 Non Gouty Manifestation of Uric Acid Dr Rajesh Joseph 05-03-15
3 Recent trends in Joint Arthoplasty Dr Joji Joshua 10-06-15
4 An Interesting Case in Surgical Dept Dr Reshma 24-06-15
5 Case presentation Dr Mohan Varghese 01-07-15
6 Case presentation by Paediatrics Dr Girija Mohan 08-07-15
7 Peritoneal Dialysis Dr Dhanya Mohan 15-07-15
8 ECG from General Medicine Dr. Jibin John 22-07-15
9 Stroke Management Dr. Praveen Thomas 29-07-15
10 Bare Below Elbow Dept. of Surgery 05-08-15
11 Positive Psychology Dr. Jaico 12-08-15
12 Infection Control in Hospital and ICU Dr. George Abraham 19-08-15
13 Arterial Blood Gas Dr. Rajesh Joseph 09-09-15
14 Peripheral Smear Analysis Dr. Abraham John 30-09-15
15 Ultrasound abdomen in acute abdomen Dr Amit Itty 07-10-15
16 Management of Ovarian Malignancy Dr. Rachel George Koshy 14-10-15
17 Antimicrobial therapy and antibiotic policy Dr. Reenu Mathew 21-10-15
17 Case Presentation Dept of Paediatrics 04-11-15
18 Exercise in Diabetes 11-11-15
19 An Interesting Case Presentation.Gen Medicine dept. Dr. Mohan Verghese 18-11-15
20 An Interesting Case Presentation.Gen Medicine dept. Dr. Mohan Verghese 25-11-15
21 Osteoarthritis Clinical Rehabilatative Aspect Dr. Roshini 02-12-15
22 Behavioural & Psychological symptoms of Dementia Dr. Kuruvila George 09-12-15
23 An Interesting Case Presentation. Gen Surgery dept. General Surgery 16-12-15
24 Overview of Neurosurgery Dr. M Unnikrishanan 23-12-15
25 Todes from Tugan(Neurology) Dr. Koshy George 30-11-15