Last updated on 12 Feb 2025, 01.15 PM

Central Library

Believers Church Medical College

Believers Church Medical College and Hospital, serving as the healthcare division of Believers Church, actively engages in a variety of nation-building endeavors, encompassing social and educational projects, healthcare initiatives, charitable activities, community development programs, rehabilitation projects, and relief efforts. Moran Mor Samuel Theophilus Metropolitan serves as the hospital's patron, with Dr. George Chandy as the Director and Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Joseph as the Principal. The institution swiftly attained full accreditation from NABH, the premier national recognition in the healthcare industry, underscoring its exceptional quality standards achieved within a remarkably brief period.


The Central Library, located within the Knowledge Centre of the College, occupies two floors and can cater to more than 450 people at once. Operating with state-of-the-art computerized and automated systems, the library ensures efficient services. With a focus on meeting the diverse informational requirements of its users, the library houses an extensive collection of over 10,000 resources. This collection encompasses subscriptions to various E-journal databases such as JGate and UP-TO-DATE, along with a wide array of periodicals, CD-ROMs, DVDs, and newspaper clipping files.

The central library at Believers Church Medical College was founded in 2015, spanning an area of 1739.0039 square meters. It houses a comprehensive collection of books, E-books, journals, E-journal databases, and various teaching and learning materials. Patrons have access to both internal and external reading rooms. Additionally, the library offers specialized facilities including a staff reading room for doctors, an executive lounge for senior doctors, a PG reading room, two periodicals rooms (one for current journals and another for back volumes), an audio-visual room, and an E-library.


The library has undergone full automation through the implementation of GRANDHASOFT software and barcode technology. This technological integration has significantly streamlined and enhanced library operations. The introduction of an Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) further facilitates an effortless search process for users, allowing them to efficiently locate and access desired resources. Additionally, a dedicated terminal is provided to ensure convenient access to the library's automated systems, contributing to an overall user-friendly and modernized library experience. The adoption of automation technology reflects our commitment to staying at the forefront of library management practices, providing an efficient and accessible knowledge hub for our community.

Organizational Structure: [ A guided tour of the library ]

Property Counter

Visitors to the library are encouraged to utilize the property counter for storing their personal belongings such as bags, umbrellas, overcoats, books, and printed materials, including photocopies. Additionally, they are requested to provide necessary details in the Visitors' Register located at the nearby security desk.

External Reading Room

Students who want to bring in their personal copies of textbooks are welcome to do so by-passing the Property Counter (books only, and no other belongings), record the details in the register kept on the circulation counter and take to the general reading room. They shall be subjected for inspection while taken out of the library back. Personal books can freely be taken for study at the external reading room on the third floor without any restriction whatsoever.

Internal Reading Room

The primary reading room of the main library is designed to comfortably accommodate library users and is spacious with ample seating. Initially, it offers 150 seats for students and 30 seats for staff members. Additionally, there is an executive lounge specifically designated for senior doctors, providing them with access to library resources in a conducive environment.

OPAC: The Library Catalogue

The library's entire inventory is completely digitized, eliminating the need for traditional card catalog cabinets. Instead, an Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) is available on a dedicated computer terminal near the stack room entrance, simplifying the search process for users. The system is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly. Library staff members are readily available to provide assistance with navigating the OPAC when needed.

The Central Counter

Once a visitor enters the library, he is in front of a large multi-purpose or multi- functional counter. This is an Enquiry Counter or Help Desk. As the name indicates, derive the services of the staff at the counter for answers relating to any query on library or reference related matters.

This is the Circulation Counter. Any member eligible to draw a book on loan has to get the books issued here and the one to be returned has also to be brought to this very counter.

Need any guidance to the various units in the library – Periodicals, photocopying, internet, stack room, reading rooms etc? Staff at the counter would be pleased to assist you.

For any library services such as reference, documentation, bibliography and the like, just ask the staff member on duty here. Well trained professionals will always be ready at your service.

Staff Reading

To help faculty members and staff focus on their work without distractions, a quiet staff reading room has been set up. It has 30 seats where staff members can bring books from the stack room and study in peace. Moreover, there is E Library with 25 node adjacent to this staff reading area with internet access and online databases. Users can also print documents online from these terminals.

PG Reading

There is a room with 30 seats for the exclusive use of PG and Super Specialty students.

Stack Room

This is the main book storage area where the entire collections of books are arranged on open double-faced book racks in classified sequence following the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme [DDC ED 23RD]. Each book has a unique Call Number (given on the tag of the spine of the book) comprising a Class Number (the number denoting the subject, Eg: 611 – Human Anatomy) and a Book Number (giving the first three letters of the author’s name, Eg: GRA – Henry GRAY). This book number when necessary is further amplified by extra digits to individualise each book and make the number really unique.

There is a collection of the reference books, text books – dictionaries, encyclopaedias - and guide books for various entrance exams - PG, USMLE, PLAB and so on. The stack room is just adjacent to the students’ reading room location.

New arrivals of books

New arrivals of books are displayed in cupboards near the entrance to the Internal reading hall. Moreover, and above all, the library staff would always be there and ever ready to provide any assistance.

Periodicals Area

There is a spacious area for periodicals for display and reading of current periodicals and the back volumes numbers of journals are shelved. While current issues of all journals will be on display, their back issues of the volume/year would be available in their respective pigeon holes.


1. Number of Computers: The E-Library boasts a total of 25 computers, providing ample digital workstations for users to access online resources.

2. E-Book Management Software: The library utilizes CALIBRA, an advanced E-Book Management Software, to efficiently organize and manage its extensive digital book collection.

3. Online Resource Subscriptions:

  • J-Gate Plus: Subscribed to enhance access to a comprehensive database of scholarly journals, J-Gate Plus contributes to the research and academic needs of our community.
  • Up To Date: Access to the latest medical information is facilitated through the Up To Date subscription, offering valuable resources for healthcare professionals and researchers.
  • Dr. Najeeb’s Lecture Series: A lifetime subscription to Dr. Najeeb’s Lecture Series enriches the academic experience, providing enduring access to high- quality educational content.
  • Access Information: To utilize these online resources, users can visit the ASH homepage ( ) and log in using the provided username and password. This streamlined process ensures convenient and secure access to the wealth of digital resources available in the E-Library.
Digital Library

DSpace Digital Library software has been implemented to enhance our digital repository capabilities. This user-friendly platform allows efficient organization and retrieval of a wide range of digital resources, promoting accessibility and visibility of scholarly works and research publications. The versatile software supports diverse file formats, fostering a collaborative and research-oriented environment within our institution.

Information resources

There is at present a collection of over 9000 books during the course of the past years and they include the latest and the best books covering all branches of Medicine including subjects of super speciality. The old inherited collection is also preserved and this forms part of a special collection on ‘History of Medicine’ expected to be a valuable source of reference. A classified sequence of arrangement using DDC Ed.23 rd supported by a computerized data base, an Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) for resource search, and an open access to the shelves are provided as basic facilities.

The library is subscribing standard Medical periodicals comprising well established foreign and Indian journals.


Twenty-five computers are made available in the library for internet browsing. There is a fair collection of CD-ROMs/DVDs and these are being made accessible, other than in the terminals in the library, to all the departments through a digital library server linked by LAN. The library subscribes to JGATE.plusthe online journals & books resource providing access to 1470 journals and their back volumes and it is made available to one and all in the campus through the static IP of the BCMCH network. This, together with other online resources would enable information search and retrieval more simple, exhaustive and expeditious.

Building up a conventional hard copy collection of back volumes of journals is done on a regular in the central library.

Other facilities include extended hours of working of the library up to 17.00 hrs (Mondays - Saturday) and reprographic (copying and online printing) services.

Reprographic services

Photocopying facilities are available in the library, subject to copy right restrictions, at a nominal cost between 8.00 and 17.00 hrs on all working days of the library.

Monday – Saturday : 8.00 – 20.00 Hrs

Closed on Public Holidays declared by BCMCH
( External reading room will be open 8.00 Am – 10.30 PM)

An open access system (which is not available in many of the Medical Colleges) is provided in the Central Library of BCMC. In this system, you are free to go to the shelves, browse the collection, select the right books of your interest, and take it to the reading hall for study. This gives you ample choice of documents and helps you lay hand on the most appropriate material. The open access is made available on trust and belief, a mature behaviour, a feeling of responsibility, the willingness to abide by the rules, and above all a readiness on your part to maintain discipline and decorum. As such, the tentative ‘rules’ given below may be taken as a guideline for helping yourself and others inside the library.

  • 01. Admission to the library is limited to students, members of faculty, and other members of staff of the BCMCH on production of ID cards.
  • 02. “Silence is Golden”. Once inside the library, keep silent as far as possible, and help maintain a noise-free, serene, and conducive atmosphere there.
  • 03. Do not carry any of your personal holdings like bags, books, overcoats, files and folders to the library. Make it a practice to leave such things at the Property Counter - in the pigeon holes of the shelves provided at the entrance - as soon as you step in to the library.
  • 04. Photography is strictly prohibited inside. Do not take camera, mobile phone, or any other electronic/audio-video instruments into the Library.
  • 05. Particulars regarding your visit to and use of the library contribute to the statistics regarding many an information pertaining to the library and its use. Therefore, do not hesitate to record your name, position, time-in, and time-out in the ‘Visitors Register’ kept at the entry point Internal Reading Room. This has to be repeated every time you make a fresh entry to the library.
  • 06. If at all you bring in your personal textbook for studying in the library, use the ‘External Reading Room’ for the purpose. That means no personal book shall be taken to the Internal reading Room.
  • 07. Do not place any book taken out of the shelf back on the shelf; however careful you may be, replacement might end up in misplacement. Remember the well-known library slogan: “A Book Misplaced is a Book Lost”. Books once removed shall be left flat at the vacant space on the same shelf or the nearby one; and those taken for reference in the hall shall be left on the tables for the library staff for proper replacement later.
  • 08. Do not underline or mark any text; do not fold pages of any book or in any manner cause damage to the physical body of the text. Handle books with extreme care; they are to be preserved for posterity.
  • 09. Never attempt to steal any book or other document or part thereof from the library. This tantamount to a serious social offence of theft and the person will be liable for summary dismissal from the institution.
  • 10. Once provided, the conditions governing use of internet shall strictly be adhered to. Misuse in any manner of this facility would not be tolerated or condoned.
  • 11. Group discussion or combined study is quite a good method of study, but outside the library only. Combined study, or congregation for discussions, or ‘round-table’ of any sort is not allowed inside the library.
  • 12. Do not take food or beverages to the library reading area
  • 13. Always seek help from library staff for any service especially those pertaining to your reference requirements or any of the facilities.
  • 14. Loan facilities and Membership: Loan facility for very short durations against separate library membership application form. Further details about circulation policy would be made available at the circulation counter of the library.
  • 15. Non-Liability Certificates: All the Staff of BCMCH shall require to produce a Non-Liability Certificate from the Central Library to the effect that they have cleared all dues. All Heads of Institutions/Departments shall also require all staff under their control to produce similar Non-Liability Certificates from the Central Library for having returned all books and cleared all dues in the event of their resignation, termination or retirement before issue of relieving orders and/or their last salary is disbursed.


Name Qualifications Designation Phone:
SREEJA RAMACHANDRAN M.L.I.Sc. MPhil(UGC) Chief Librarian Extn 2125
Vidhya K Vijayan Library Assistant Extn : 2129
Sumitha K R HSE Library Assistant Extn 2129

Library Academic Services:

  • 1. Availability of Indian Journals: Yes, Indian journals are accessible up to the last academic year, ensuring a comprehensive collection of domestic scholarly content.
  • 2. Availability of International Journals: Yes, international journals are also accessible up to the last academic year, providing a diverse range of global academic perspectives.
  • 3. Subscription in the Institution/Hospital's Name: Affirmative, the journals are subscribed under the name of the institution/hospital, ensuring dedicated access for academic purposes.
  • 4. Documentation for Ongoing Subscriptions: Documents confirming the ongoing subscription of the aforementioned journals are readily available, demonstrating our commitment to maintaining current and relevant academic resources.
  • 5. Accessibility of e-Journals: Yes, subscription to e-journals is in place, offering a digital platform for convenient and timely access to scholarly articles and research materials.
  • 6. Learning Materials on CD/DVD for Students: Yes, learning materials, including CDs and DVDs, are provided to students, enriching their educational experience with multimedia resources.
  • 7. Internet, Printing, Photocopy, and IT Services: All essential academic services, including internet access, printing facilities, photocopying, and IT resources, are available to support the diverse needs of our academic community. This comprehensive infrastructure ensures a conducive environment for research, learning, and academic excellence.
  • 8. Spiral Binding Service
  • 9. UP-to-Date Literature Search
  • 10. Database Search through JGate Plus
  • 11. Document Delivery Service (Digital & Print)
  • 12. Open Access Facilities for Textual Documents
  • 13. News Papers Archives ( Print)
  • 14. Inter Library Loan
  • 15. Previous Year Question Bank

Central Library Sections Nature of Work

  • 1. Acquisition Section: Purchasing and Preparation work of New Books
  • 2. Technical Section: Classification, Cataloguing, Bar Coding and Data entry
  • 3. Circulation Section: Issue, Return, Renewal and Reservation of Books
  • 4. Maintenance Section: Preservation and Conservation of Documents
  • 5. Reference Section: Ready Reference, Subject Reference Books & Theses
  • 6. Periodical Section: Journals, Magazines, News Papers & Back Volumes.
  • 7. Reprographic Section: Printing, Scanning and Photocopying Service
  • 8. Access: to e-Resources and e-Database
  • 9. Plagiarism Checking Section
  • 10. ID Card Preparation Section
(An outline of the Classification - Indicative)
Class (=Subject ) Numbers in the numerical sequence by which
books are ‘grouped’ and arranged on the shelves. Please see
Index to Class Numbers for an alphabetical index to the subjects (groups)
Class No Name of the Subject
100 Philosophy
300 Social Sciences
370 Education
519 Statistics
540 Chemistry
571.6 Cell Biology
572 Biochemistry
572.8 Molecular Biology/Genetics
599.935 Genetics
610.28 Biomedical Engineering
610.68 Hospital Administration
610.73 Nursing
611 Anatomy
611.018 Histology/Cytology
611.8 Neuro-anatomy
611.9 Regional Anatomy
612 Physiology
612.014 Biophysics
612.2 Physiology of Respiration
612.6 Physiology of Reproduction
612.64 Embryology
612.8 Neurophysiology
613 Community Medicine
613.2Nutrition and Dietetics
613.7 Physical Fitness, Yoga etc
613.8 Substance (Drug) abuse
614.1 Forensic Medicine
614.4 Public Health/Epidemiology
614.48 Disinfection, Fumigation etc
615 Pharmacology and Therapeutics
615.1 Drugs
615.5 Therapeutics
615.53 Therapeutic Systems
615.532 Homoeopathy
615.533 Osteopathy
615.534 Chiropractic
613.535 Naturopathy
615.8 Kinds of Therapies
615.82 Physiotherapy
615.842 Radiation Therapy
615.853 Hydrotherapy
615.854 Diet Therapy
615.892 Acupuncture
615.9 Toxicology
616 Medicine: General/Internal
616.01 Microbiology
616.0194 Virology
616.025 Emergency Medicine
616.028 Critical Care
616.0472 Pain and Palliative Care
616.07 Pathology
616.075 Diagnosis
616.0756 Lab Technology
616.07561 Haematology
616.0757 Radiology/Radio-diagnosis
616.0758 Histopathology/Cytopathology
616.079 Immunology
616.09 Case Histories
Class No Name of the Subject
616.1 Cardiovascular Diseases
616.12 Cardiology
616.2 Respiratory Medicine
616.238 Asthma
616.3 Digestive System/GI Medicine
616.4 Endocrinology
616.462 Diabetes
616.5 Dermatology
616.6 Urology
616.61 Nephrology
616.65 Genital System
616.7 Musculoskeletal Diseases
616.72 Joints
616.723 Rheumatology
616.73 Spine
616.74 Muscles
616.8 Neurology
616.89 Psychiatry
616.9 Communicable Diseases
616.951 STD
616.96 Parasitology
616.97 Allergy
616.9792 AIDS
616.992 Tumour/Oncology
616.994 Cancer
616.995 Tuberculosis
617 Surgery
617.1027 Sports Medicine
617.15 Fractures
617.412 Cardiac Surgery
617.46 Urologic Surgery
617.47 Orthopaedic Surgery
617.48 Neuro-surgery
617.51 Otorhinolaryngology - ENT
617.518 Ear/Audiology
617.52 Maxillofacial Surgery
617.54 Thoracic Surgery
617.55059 Laparoscopic Surgery
617.6 Dentistry
617.7 Ophthalmology
617.95 Plastic Surgery
617.96 Anaesthesia
617.98Paediatric Surgery
618 Obstetrics and Gynaecology
618.1 Gynaecology
618.2 Obstetrics
618.32 Fetal Medicine - Perinatology
618.92 Paediatrics
618.9201 Neonatology
618.9212 Paediatric Cardiology
618.929 Paediatric Infectious Diseases
618.97 Geriatrics
640 Home Science
651.5 Records Management
651.504261 Medical Records Management
651.7 Communication
658 Management
660.6 Biotechnology
664.001579 Food Microbiology
Alphabetical Index to the subject terms listed above and the Class Numbers denoting them.
Name of Subject Class No
Acupuncture 615.892
AIDS 616.9792
Anaesthesia 617.96
Anatomy 611
Arrhythmia 616.128
Asthma 616.238
Audiology and Otology 617.518
Ayurveda 615.530
Bacterial and Viral Diseases 616.92
Biochemistry 572
Biomedical Engineering 610.28
Biophysics 612.014
Biotechnology 660.6
Breast - Diseases 618.19
Cancer 616.994
Cardiac Surgery 617.412
Cardiology 616.12
Cardiology - Paediatric 618.9212
Cardiovascular Diseases 616.1
Case Histories 616.09
Cell Biology 571.6
Chemistry 540
Clinical Orthopaedics 616.7
Colon, Rectum etc - Surgery 617.555
Communicable Diseases 616.9
Communication 651.7
Community Medicine 613
Cosmetic Surgery 617.95
Critical Care 616.028
Cytology/Histology 611.018
Cytopathology/Histopathology 616.0758
Dentistry 617.6
Dermatology 616.5
Diabetes 616.462
Diagnosis 616.075
Dietetics/Nutrition 613.2
Diet Therapy615.854
Digestive System/GI Medicine 616.3
Disinfection, Fumigation etc 614.48
Drugs 615.1
Ear/Audiology 617.518
Education 370
Embryology 612.64
Emergency Medicine 616.025
Endocrinology 616.4
ENT 617.51
Epidemiology 614.4
Fetal Medicine - Perinatology 618.32
Food Microbiology 664.001579
Forensic Medicine 614.1
Fractures 617.15
Fumigation 614.48
Gastrointestinal Diseases 616.3
General Medicine 616
Genetics 599.935
Genetics - Molecular 572.8
Genital System 616.65
Geriatrics 618.97
Gynaecology 618.1
Haematology – Blood analysis 616.07561
Haematology – Blood diseases 616.15
Hand Surgery 617.575
Heart Failure 616.129
Histology/Cytology 611.018
Histopathology/Cytopathology 616.0758
History of Medicine 610.9
Home Science 640
Homoeopathy 615.532
Hospital Administration 610.68
Hydrotherapy 615.853
Imaging 616.0754
Immunology 616.079
Infectious Diseases 616.9
Infectious Diseases - Paediatric 618.929
Internal Medicine 616
Ischemic Heart Diseases 616.123
Joints 616.72
Kinds of Therapies 615.8
Knee Surgery 617.582059
Name of Subject Class No
Lab Technology 616.0756
Laparoscopic Surgery 617.55059
Liver and Biliary Tract Surgery 617.5562
Liver diseases 616.362
Low Back Pain 617.564
Lungs - Diseases 616.24
Management 658
Maxillofacial Surgery 617.52
Medical Jurisprudence 614.1
Medical Records Management 651.504261
Medicine: General/Internal 616
Microbiology 616.01
Molecular Biology/Genetics 572.8
MRI – Magnetic Resonance Imaging 616.07548
Muscles 616.74
Musculoskeletal Diseases 616.7
Myocardial Infarction 616.1237
Naturopathy 613.535
Neonatology 618.9201
Nephrology 616.61
Neuroanatomy 611.8
Neurology 616.8
Neurophysiology 612.8
Neurosurgery 617.48
Nursing 610.73
Nutrition and Dietetics 613.2
Obstetrics 618.2
Obstetrics and Gynaecology 618
Oncology 616.992
Ophthalmology 617.7
Orthodontics 617.643
Orthopaedic Surgery 617.47
Osteopathy 615.533
Otology and Audiology 617.518
Otorhinolaryngology - ENT 617.51
Paediatric Cardiology 618.9212
Paediatric Infectious Diseases 618.929
Paediatric Surgery 617.98
Paediatrics 618.92
Pain and Palliative Care 616.0472
Parasitology 616.96
Pathology 616.07
Pharmacology and Therapeutics 615
Philosophy 100
Physical Diagnosis 616.0754
Physical Fitness, Yoga etc 613.7
Physiology 612
Physiotherapy 615.82
Plastic Surgery 617.95
Prosthodontics 617.69
Psychiatry 616.89
Psychology 150
Public Health/Epidemiology 614.4
Radiation Therapy 615.842
Records Management 651.5
Regional Anatomy 611.9
Reproduction - Physiology 612.6
Respiratory Medicine 616.2
Rheumatology 616.723
Shoulder - Surgery 617.572
Social Sciences 300
Sonography/US Scanning 616.07543
Spine - Diseases 616.73
Sports Medicine 617.1027
Statistics 519
STD 616.951
Substance (Drug) abuse 613.8
Surgery 617
Therapeutic Systems 615.53
Therapeutics 615.5
Thoracic Surgery 617.54
Toxicology 615.9
Traumatology 617.1
Tuberculosis 616.995
Tumour/Oncology 616.992
Urologic Surgery 617.46
Urology 616.6
Virology 616.0194
Yoga 613.7


All admissions are regulated by the Office of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations (CEE) through a centralized allotment process. Please visit for further details.

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