Tentative Examination Calendar- 2022-2023
Tentative Theory Examination Calendar up to 31.05.2022
First Professional MBBS Degree (Regular) Examinations March 2021(2019 Scheme)
Third Professional MBBS Degree Part II (Regular&Supplementary) Examinations May 2021
Second Professional MBBS Degree Supplementary Examination February 2021
First Professional MBBS Degree(Supplementary) Examinations March 2021(2010 Scheme)
Third Professional MBBS Degree Part I (Supplementary) Examinations January 2021
All admissions are regulated by the Office of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations (CEE) through a centralized allotment process. Please visit cee.kerala.gov.in for further details.
For any other Queries send us an email,registrar@bcmch.org / office.registrar@bcmch.org.