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Last updated on 12 Feb 2025, 01.15 PM

Citizen Charter

Rights of Patients

  • Be treated with dignity, respect, consideration of their individual values and belief and privacy during examination, procedures and treatment.
  • Be protected from physical abuse or neglect.
  • Refuse treatment.
  • Confidentiality of all records and communications, to the extent provided by law.
  • Participate in decisions about their care and provide informed consent.
  • Be informed of the estimated costs of proposed treatment.
  • Access to information contained in the Medical Record in the form of a Medical Report / Discharge Summary.
  • Voice their concerns and complaints with the Patient Advocacy Cell of the Medical Superintendents Office. (Ph.: 0469-2742100 /1224).
  • Have the appropriate family member eligible to all the above rights, in case the patient is unable to meaningfully participate in his / her care.

Responsibilities of Patients

  • Provide accurate and complete information about their health condition.
  • Follow the treatment plan recommended by the treating Doctor.
  • Accept responsibility for their actions if they refuse treatment.
  • Preserve and produce all the records of their illness.
  • Accept responsibility for the safekeeping of their valuables and possessions.
  • Abide by the rules and regulations of the hospital including the “No-tobacco Campus Policy”.
  • Be considerate of the rights of other patients and Believers Church Medical College and Hospital personnel by assisting with the control of noise, cleanliness and number of visitors.
  • Respect the property of others and that of Believers Church Medical College and Hospital.
  • Provide honest information concerning their ability to pay for services and pay bills in time if they have agreed to do so.
  • Provide useful feedback about services and policies.
  • Treat all healthcare workers with respect.
  • Abide by all applicable National, State and Local laws.


All admissions are regulated by the Office of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations (CEE) through a centralized allotment process. Please visit cee.kerala.gov.in for further details.

For any other Queries send us an email,registrar@bcmch.org / office.registrar@bcmch.org.