Last updated on 12 Feb 2025, 01.15 PM

Yoga classes and celebrations in Believers Church Medical College, Thiruvalla.

As per UGC Guidelines, Believers Church Medical College has decided to celebrate IDY 2022. We have well trained yoga instructor with Yoga TTC and Pursuing MSc Yoga and a demonstrator. On the Basis of Common Yoga Protocol (CYP), Ayush Ministry, we have started yoga classes for the First year MBBS students. Our institution has arranged permanent Yoga facilities for the practice on regular basis within the institute. Our faculty in the Physiology department have been engaged with research in the field of Physiology of Diabetic yoga and two research articles were published in the indexed journals.

Institution has decided to distribute uniform with International Yoga Day (IDY) logo to the students and staff, has planned to display charts and articles in various parts of the college and have planned to celebrate International Yoga Day (IYD) on June 21 st morning and planned to conduct a Flash mob to spread the importance of yoga to the public.

Community Orientation Program Community Orientation Program Community Orientation Program Community Orientation Program Community Orientation Program Community Orientation Program Community Orientation Program


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Contact Info

Believers Church Medical College
  • St.Thomas Nagar, PO Box-31, Kuttapuzha, Thiruvalla, Kerala, India
  • +91-469-2742800
  • Toll Free No - 18004253010